Following a comprehensive feedback round, we’re excited to announce the latest updates to our judging panel on Our team has been hard at work, and the result is the integration of two highly requested features, designed to streamline the battle judging experience.

The Latest Additions:

1. Round Number Display: As a response to user feedback, we’ve introduced an intuitive addition to the judging panel. Now, users can easily keep track of the battle rounds with the inclusion of a round number display. This enhancement ensures clarity and precision, enabling judges to navigate through rounds effortlessly.

2. Next Round Button: In our continuous effort to optimize user experience, we’ve incorporated a convenient ‘Next Round’ button within the judging panel. This functionality simplifies the process of moving to the subsequent rounds, enhancing the efficiency of judges during battle assessments.

Transitioning for Better User Experience:

Post-feedback, our team has been diligently working on refining the judging panel. As a result, we’re proud to unveil these two new features that promise to elevate the battle judging process to new heights.

Streamlined Judging Experience:

Moreover, the inclusion of the round number display significantly enhances the overall user experience. This addition facilitates a more structured and organized approach to judging, ensuring judges can follow the battle progression seamlessly.

Additionally, the introduction of the ‘Next Round’ button signifies a significant stride toward enhancing efficiency. This feature empowers judges to swiftly navigate through rounds, thereby saving valuable time and streamlining the judging process.


In conclusion, these updates mark our commitment to refining the judging panel on based on user insights. The incorporation of the round number display and ‘Next Round’ button demonstrates our dedication to providing a user-friendly and efficient platform for battle judging.

We encourage all users to explore these new features and experience firsthand the seamless transition between rounds and the enhanced clarity in battle assessments. Thank you for your valuable feedback, which has been instrumental in making these improvements. Together, let’s continue to refine and innovate as we aim to set new benchmarks in battle judging with

Round number and button to move to next round

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